DenticDS™ FAV Personalized Dentistry
PAIRinse was developed with the multi-use qualities of anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antifungal and wound healing. This rinse is the base day-to-day rinse suggested for utilization in the dental operatory for all procedures. PAIR is indicated for both pre- and post- surgically, specifically with all implant procedures. Prior to surgery a two week twice a day treatment with PAIRinse will assist in strengthening the natural oral microbiomes ability to control pathogenic bacteria. Post- surgical utilization will continue to support the healthy balance of the microbiome while assisting with wound healing.
At examination the patient may present with an oral condition which requires additional formulation components to support the oral microbiomes return to normalcy. Utilization of PDS’s FAV products, Formulation Augmentation by Vessl®, will provide added anti-microbial, anti-fungal or wound healing capabilities to the PAIRinse.
Extra Strength Antimicrobial
PAIR Healing
Post Surgical Healing