Diversity Statement

From David L. Cooper, PhD, MD 
CEO, President and Founder PhytoDental Solutions, Inc., June 2023

We as a company support, honor and stand up for Diversity. We believe our times call for individuals not to be silent, history tells us the eventuality of inaction. We are dedicated to supporting respect for all manner of human diversity in all the communities of man. We believe there is no room for archaic prejudices and hate. We are, and have been in our lives dedicated to standing for those less fortunate, less enabled, less strong and will remain so. As scientists, physicians, entrepreneurs, and health care practitioners of various specialties we believe our communities have not stood sufficiently strong and educated the world to one simple fact — there is only one race of man — homo sapiens and the roots of mankind’s heritage arose from deep within the African continent. Presented here is my genetic lineage, one I am extremely proud to share.

Please join us in publicly denouncing all acts of racism, sexism, gender discrimination, religious bigotry and acts of hate based on national origin or for those unfortunate seeking political asylum around the world.

Remember, “Our children are our living messengers to a time we will never see.” Honorable Elijah Cummings 1951-2019.

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