Dr. David L. Cooper, PhD, MD, the Founder and CEO of PhytoDental Solutions, is invited to deliver a talk at Benziinga Global Small CAP Conference Fire Side Chat.
Dr. Cooper reviewed for investors the evolution of the Cannabis Space stressing the safety of the plant compared to pharmaceutically designed and manufactured drugs. He also educated the audience on the value of performing Clinical studies to validate their products before any claims are made.
Dr. Cooper proposed a third approval pathway for the FDA- Advanced Nutraceuticals to join the OTC Monograph Process and the NDA Approval Process as an alternative for the FDA to evaluate formulations and products which have been in the public sector for generations and have been shown to exhibit little or no toxicity. He also summarized the Covid outbreak, the virus, the public health response, the science behind the vaccines and what the future of the outbreak may entail if the US does not respond appropriately.